green river
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There is no doubt Holiday Expeditions has their act together when it comes to providing quality expeditions on a variety of rivers in the west. I should know, because I have been a customer of theirs for 15 years and recently completed my 8th trip with them. They are a quality organization and from start to finish make you feel right at home. They get my vote as the Top Dog on the River. Go Holiday !
It seems like people are reviewing three different things here. There's the Green River Overlook, which is quick-stop overlook inside the Canyonlands park. It's beautiful, I give it 5 stars. Then there's the River itself, which people raft down, etc. I can't review that. Then there's the city, Green River, UT, which has its little museums that I've never been to. Overall, i'm not sure why anyone would go there when they can be in Arches National Park or Canyonlands, but I have nothing against the city itself.
We stopped here off the Amtrak train for a night with the intention of seeing goblin valley state park.... However there is no car rental places within an hour of the town. No taxi service either. No shops, only one bar and a general/grocery store and some truck stops, everything else looks like it closed a long time ago. The town is surrounded by beautiful scenery though. I do not recommend going here unless you have a vehicle of some sort.
We stopped for gas in Green River and were amazed to find the town overflowing with melon. Stopping to buy some we chatted to the friendly vendor who pointed us to the museum. At the museum we met another very friendly lady who gave us directions to the best milkshake in town (the chow hound) and a hidden canyon. It's not exciting, but it's a lovely place with nice friendly people.
We spent the day in and around Green River and if it weren't for the John Powell Museum and Crystal Geyser I'd have said it was a total loss. The gas station and restaurant had poor service from unenthusiastic people and I will just fill up in Crescent Jct next time I try to explore the area and pack a lunch to take with me.
I recently took a six day canoe trip down the Green River in the Canyonlands. The trip was wonderful - incredible scenery, petrogylphs and Anasazi ruins. Definitely a trip to remember. We rented two canoes and one kayak for five of us through Tex's Riverways in Moab. Mike our guy at Tex's was very professional and friendly and seemed to know the area well. He answered all our questions and recommended the best places to see ruins, art work, etc... The trip to the put-in point at Mineral Bottom was long but interesting - the drive down into the canyon was pretty narrow and steep and kept us on the edge of our seats. After six days of paddling and camping we were picked up at the confluence of the Green River and Colorado River and a speedboat raced us back to a bus that returned us to Tex's where our autos were kept. The entire experience was incredible and one I will remember all my life. If you are ever in the area, this is a must-do!
... Or so we read, but we went there outta melon harvesting season! Prefer Moab for the nightlife and its local attractions but Green River is ideal for Sego (rock art and the grave yard - there's a story to be told there!!), Goblin Valley (Galaxy Quest and a forgettable 2011 sci-fi filmset!), Horseshoe Canyon Unit (500St.S then Country Rd). Hotels good and clean, and whilst the food outlets were a bit fast, we didn't mind as we arrived at 20:45 after a mamoth 500 mile drive from SLC to 9 mile canyon and the Moore Panel so a swim and bed were all we were fit for. Great auto parts store in town too for those necessary extras!
We camped just shy of the Canyonlands entrance, by Dead Horse Point State Park. This itself was extremely impressive and had some beautiful hikes around the perimeter. From here, we were easily able to make the trip into Canyonlands in a day.In all honesty, we loved the park and the views. I think it was definitly more impressive than the Grand canyon, and we were lucky that we hit a fantastic ranger giving a talk when we were at the Grand View Point Overlook. He explained all the relevant geology simlply and in a way that kept us all interested (5, 8, 10, 12!).We made several of the hikes, including Whale Rock and Upheval Dome, and enjoyed them all.We camped the next night at the Needles campground. We were not prepared for it to be quite such a long way in, but we were handsomely rewarded by the most beautiful campground ever. It was virtually deserted and backed by huge rock formations, onto which we climbed to watch the beautiful sunset. This was really spectacular. In the morning, we hiked and went into the needles area, and finished up looking in really col potholes just above the visitor's center, that were teeming with wildlife!
On the advise of another Trip Advisor contributor, my husband and I had a great adventure doing a river float on the Green River in early August. On her recomendation, we rented a 4 person raft for the 2 of us on a Saturday. This cost $59.00 for the day and included lifejackets, 3 paddles and a bail bucket. The raft was big enough for the 2 of us, a cooler and a large wet bag. We opted to have the rental company drop us off & launch us at the river and pick us up at Little Hole, 7 miles down the river. This is an additional cost of $80.00, but was well worth it for us, being new to this type of experience. We had so much fun, enjoying the wonderful scenery and the peacefulness of this beautiful location. There were many others river floaters with much larger groups with children. There were also lots of fly fisherman in boats and on the rivers edge. This was a great, fun adventure that we will alway remember.
Dieser Ort liegt direkt an der I-70 und dient uns immer als Schlaf-Alternative, wenn Moab überfüllt oder zu teuer ist, oder wenn ich Touren durch das "Swell" machen möchte.Es gibt ein paar gute Hotels dort in allen Preislagen, man kann in wenigen Lokalen essen, da aber gut. Es gibt ein Visitor-Center, ein paar Tankstellen. In erster Linie findet man im eigentlichen Ort Werkstätten für LKW´s, einen kleinen Supermarkt, ein paar Schnellimbisse, ein paar einfache, eher unbekannte Motels. Aber alles in allem gibt es hier nichts an Tourismus - wohl aber Sehenswürdigkeiten rund um Green River. Da bitte im gut sortierten und grossen Visitor Center Info´s besorgen.