cades cove
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每一个到斯莫基山脉旅行的人都必须去Cades Cove。给自己足够的时间去体会17公里的美丽、宁静的山区风光。对那些很少有机会直接接触大自然的人来说是个很好的机会,这里有火鸡、熊和鹿。我们安排了一天在克罗格购物,这样可以在进入Cades Cove前在营地外面做顿饭。你可以计划一次野餐。我们喜欢烧烤(在公园露营地附近),在潺潺的小溪边拍照。我们启程时是星期一,这是个相当拥挤的季节,然而值得花这个时间让我们在一起放松,很有趣。
早秋的时候去参观了 Cades Cove,那时候 Cades Cove 正在变换颜色。依然是要开长长的曲折的路才能到,依然有拥挤的人群,车流依然很缓慢,但是那些美丽的景色也依然没有变,草场依然那么宁静、教堂和美丽的乡间小屋依旧矗立在那里。太美好了。唯一不一样的是——我们也很高兴这么做了——我们是从北门走的,走的是那条只出不进的单行道“Cades Cove 老路”,那是一条碎石路,通往北边的Pigeon Forge。我们很喜欢Cades Cove,强烈建议大家都来这里玩。
We live an hour and a half away, so we come up at least once a year. Yes, it's one way. Yes, it takes awhile. But why would you go and not want to spend time there? We usually see deer and turkey, the bears are a rare treat. Please pull off and allow traffic around you if you see something of interest while driving. And this really should be a given, but if you see bear, do not try to get close, or pet the dang thing. They are wild animals and can/will kill you! Use common sense or read up on bears before you go. Hit the restrooms in the campground before starting the loop. I bring a toddler potty for my daughter in case the loop is especially slow. Sometimes it can take four hours to do cades cove. Don't sit in your car. Get out and explore! The John oliver cabin is my favorite. I usually see deer, and my parents got married there(yes they used to allow this, even some of the Rangers don't know this). If you can go on a weekday the traffic will be lighter. I avoid it entirely during peak season. It's just too congested with tourists. Finally, review the history before going. You won't be disappointed.
In any season, rain or shine, Cades Cove is an awesome place to drive and see nature up close. Eleven miles of roads winding through forests and fields, past mountains and hills. We have seen deer, turkey, horses, bears, foxes, bobcats. There are hiking trails and historic cabins and churches. There are creeks and rivers and waterfalls. If you want to see nature's by beauty, drive to wonderful Cades Cove.
Amazing views as you drive up the great smokey mountains. If you are Lucky enough ( as we were ) you can see wild life. Once you arrive at Cade's Cove be patient and enjoy the view and the great outdoors. Saw some wild life, but heard from rangers that best time to go is either in the morning or at dusk.
Beautiful scenery. The cars are like a parade bumper to bumper. You can reach out your vehicle window and pet the nose of majestic horses. Deer are everywhere and don't seem to be afraid of people. There is a small chance of seeing a bear but normally people jump out to take pics and scare them away. I recommend going when its not so busy.
If you go to Cade's Cove, be sure to leave early in the day, because it takes about an hour to get there from the Visitor's Center, the drive around the loop takes another hour or more, depending on traffic, and then an hour to get out.It's a long and winding road for the entire drive!I was disappointed that there wasn't more to do up there. To be fair, it was raining, so not a good day to be out exploring, but even with that being said, none of the historic houses, churches, buildings that we saw were open to peek in. It seemed to be more of a drive-by type of tour.Now, if you are the hiking type, you could hike all day---we saw tons of trails. But, we had stopped by the visitors center before we went up there, and when I saw how many different varieties of snakes live up there---you couldn't have gotten me out of the car for anything!
One of our favorite spots in the smokies. A beautiful ride and many spots to get out and take hikes or pictures, lots of wildlife, the better the weather the more traffic on weekends. If you have never been you must make sure to do it soon!
No matter the weather, this trip is worth it. Such beautiful scenery and always see deer and other wild life. Takes you back in time to reflect the pioneers. Excellent picnic area at the entrance by the creek!
Beautiful drive through a valley where early settlers took up residence in the Smokies. Aside from the views, I believe there are 17 or so historical sites to visit, and we didn't do it, but they would be beautiful hikes. Great chance to watch wildlife on the drive as well - a group of deer were crossing the road as we were driving through. (speed limit is like 15 MPH, so don't worry :) ) Pick up the guide for the tour at the Sugarlands Visitor Center for a dollar to map out all the sights and take in the history.
I've been down to Gatlinburg a lot. It's very, VERY easy to spend a lot of money down there, however the best things are always those that involve the natural beauty of the park. With all of the landmarks down there, none hold a candle to Cade's Cove. I never go back home without paying a visit to this beautiful, historic site. Roughly an hour drive into the woods, it is quietly nestled at the bottom of the mountains, which upon exiting the woods, is a breathtaking experience. If you are a history buff like me, you will want to stop at every cabin and pay them a visit. The first stop is the John Oliver cabin. I highly suggest visiting this cabin, just to soak in the beauty of the scenery and to imagine what life would be like to wake up every day, and walk out to such an amazing view. The scenery and history are only the beginning, as there is wildlife aplenty. This trip, I took my girlfriend who had never been. While driving, I see a line of cars stopped ahead. I told her, "Something is up here. Everyone is parked." She laughed and responded with, "Why? Just because they're stopped doesn't mean anything." "You clearly have never been to Cade's Cove." I smiled at her as, upon pulling up to the line of cars, we were greeted by a beautiful family of deer playing in the field, right next to the road. So if it's your first time, and you see a bunch of cars stopped in the road, or people gathered, make sure you have your camera ready. In the warmer seasons, you should see bear. Some crossing the road right in front of your car. I've seen bear every time I've visited the Cove, other than during the Winter(for obvious reasons.) There is no reason to not visit Cade's Cove. It's beautiful, it's filled with history and wildlife, and it's free.
The drive into the cove is great with stop areas all along. The old home places are great and the wildlife is great. Just be careful if wildlife is spotted there will be a procession of brake lites. It is a great place to let the children explore.