painted wall
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black canyon of the gunnison national park景点推荐
This was probably one of my favorite stops at Black Canyon. It's amazing here, but there is just something about seeing the streaks in the walls that makes this so unique and worth a look. Certainly breathtaking and worth your time. And it's a very short walk to get to the overlook.
The many streaks flowing through the walls and the information given by brochures about the formations which were easy for a novice in college geology.
This is the site on most of the merchandise in the visitor's store so if you can only make it to a few spots along the drive make sure this is one of them. It's the highest cliff in Colorado!
Nothing manmade can possibly compare to this sight! The wall is viewable from the three-quarter mile nature trail on the north rim. It is breathtaking!
This was my favorite spot in the park! So beautiful and majestic! Be sure to walk all the way down the look out because that is where you'll get the best shots.
It is well worth the drive to the end of the south rim road to see this view. The Painted Wall is the highest cliff in Colorado. If you visit in the morning, the sun will be shining directly on the wall, which makes for great photos. Don't miss the flowers along the path down to the overlook.
You don't have to hike or walk a very long way to see this beauty. Such an amazing sight & to think of how it was formed. We had several birds flying below us at this point. Beautiful!
I think the Painted Wall is probably the most photographed and talked about part of the Black Canyon. I certainly haven't seen anything like it before. Catching it at the right time of day, the pegmatite veins in the rock wall really stand out and it's a pretty amazing sight. If you only have time to stop at one viewpoint, make sure it's this one.
Try to catch the painted wall in the afternoon sun to catch the amazing colors and patterns created by the sedimentary layers of the wall. Stunning, and the ability to get so close is just great. One of Mother Nature's best!
Granito rosa che compone il lato opposto del canyon e lo rende unico.In contrapposizione con il nero luccicante della parte inziale del canyon.
Es ist schwierig zu sagen, welcher der Canyon Overlooks den schönsten Blick auf die Schlucht des Gunnison Rivers bietet. Die spektakulärste Aussicht hat man mit größter Sicherheit von der "Painted Wall View". Hier befindet sich auf der gegenüberliegenden Nord-Seite die "Painted Wall", mit 2.722 ft. (830 m) die höchste senkrechte Wand im Nationalpark. Den Namen hat der Felsen von den schönen schwarz - weiß - rosa gebänderten Streifen, die aus Gneis, Granit, Feldspat und Pegmatit bestehen. Man schätzt das Alter des Gesteins auf 1,4 bis 1,7 Mrd. Jahre.Tief unter bahnt der Gunnison River tosend seinen Weg durch den Canyon. Welche Kraft muss dieser Fluss haben, um solch eine tiefe Schlucht im Laufe der Jahrtausende zu formen?Besonders am späten Nachmittag bzw. am Abend kommt das Farbenspiel der "Painted Wall" so richtig zur Geltung.