preservation hall
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

这个地方现在真是出于好的阶段。虽然乐师的质量总是那么好,他们在现阶段也比正常状态下更蒸蒸日上。有些人会不喜欢这里,因为他们不喜欢表演。首先就是传统爵士乐(是迪克西兰爵士乐)。这里没有饮品,没有吃的东西,如果你去的不够早,还没有地方坐。但是,拿着外卖的食品排队本身也可以成为一段经历。这是个很棒的新奥尔良场所,充满了旅行者,但是没人会在乎这一点。这里票价是94元,但是这里聚集了周围的比较好的传统爵士乐手。有点旅行者认为这些演出只是糊弄旅行者的,这种想法是错的!传统的爵士乐更活泼。这是个看传统爵士乐的好地方。装饰这个地方的是Noel Rockmore油画,也是很重要的一个方面。虽然这个建筑在1803年建成时原本是为了建一个小酒馆,但是从1866年起这里就作为了艺术家的工作室和画廊。后来在1969年成为了爵士殿堂。这里收藏的奇异的Rockmore油画或许比建筑本身的价值还高。
这个爵士典藏厅非常古朴,很热,氛围很融洽。是个小房间,靠前的位置地上放了一些软垫,然后是几排椅子,靠后是站立的空间。一阵蓝色烟幕闪过,一切仿佛都消失了,你几乎能想象得出,自己置身于四十或者五十年代。真是个体验新奥尔良爵士的完美地点。我们是周四晚上去的,当时八点钟的第一部分已经错过了。不过那个时候进去只需15美元,我们还是进去了,站在最后面欣赏。其实也不至于太多人,所以还能听满三场也没人赶我们(只付了一场的钱)。到最后我们都坐到了乐队跟前了。没有麦克风,没有扩音器,但是the Tornado Brass Band(龙卷风铜管乐队)震撼了整个乐厅,我每一秒钟都很享受。想象一下,你能有多少次在小空间里,在那样的环境里享受一流的音乐的机会?自备酒水,或者至少带点喝的,里边会变得很热。哦,还有带一些小面额钞票。这么棒的演出,你怎么能不给乐队一些小费呢,好吧,没人逼你,可你会想这么做的。
What I saw was neat. But it's small, packed, hard to get into and only open at certain times. The place is so old that no smoking is allowed because a stray ember could burn the entire place down in no time flat. To be honest, unless you really like being packed into a room with a hundred people, with very little room to move about, you would be better off just hanging out outside the club. You can hear the music, move around, chat with people and not have to pay the cover charge.
The Preservation Hall Jazz Band is insanely talented, and I loved their music. I really enjoyed myself, but just know before you go that it is very uncomfortable! We were lucky that we made it in and didn't have to stand in line for the next show (it's like three shows a night every hour), but that meant we had to stand in the back. You can barely see (I'm pretty short and could only see one performer at a time by peeking in between the people standing in front of me), other people were breathing down my neck, and I had no room to move. It got really hot in there (even at night in February!), and after sightseeing all day, then standing in line to get in and standing in the venue for 45 minutes, I really thought I might pass out! I also thought that the band went too overboard in pushing for tips. It's fine to ask for tips, but they seemed too pushy after a while.
It's definitely not the most comfortable venue (pay $40 each to sit on wooden benches, otherwise sit on the floor for a 45-minute show) (and no drinks to buy there), but the musicians' performance is outstanding. We last went 33 years ago, when we didn't mind the discomfort so much, and back then the youngest member of the band was in his 70's. Now they have some "youngsters' in there, including a couple of women, but we still enjoyed it.
Preservation Hall is a treasure. Great music, great ambiance, and great history. A MUST while in New Orleans.
A classic jazz lover's "go-to" place. And THERE IS A LINE, so wear comfy shoes and be prepared to get there early and stand in line during the high season, and even sometimes the off season. You go here to check it off your bucket list, so suck it up buttercup and get your fill of NOLA classic Jazz by either starting or ending here. There are lots of clubs you can go to in NOLA to get your Jazz fix, but only one Preservation Hall, so if you have never done it, make it happen.
It is worth lining up to get into this place. We got there around 7:00 and there were already a few people in line ahead of us. They started letting us in around 8:00 and the show started at 8:15. You can buy drinks at Pat O'Brien's next door (and use their washroom) and you can bring outside drinks into Preservation Hall since they don't sell drinks inside. The show only lasted about 45 minutes but the musicians were fantastic!
We stood in line for 30 minutes for standing room only, but it was still great Jazz music, enjoyed it very much!!!
The hall is quite small and you have to wait in line for an hour or so - You can by tickets that guarantee a seat, don't pay the extra unless you really need to sit. Most people just stand. The show is only 45 mins. Nice thing about waiting - You can step into one of the many drinking establishments and get "to go" drinks and the people watching is great.
Wed, Mar 11 Burlington Performing Arts Centre, Burlington, ON, CanadaSun, Mar 15 River Run Centre, Guelph, ON, CanadaToday's concert at the St. Catharines, Brock university was an incredible show of professionalism, musicality, artistry and excellent taste!We have visited The preservation Hall in New Orleans a few years ago and attended a concert there.However, what we heard this aft, was utterly unexpected, jazz which was breaking with the tradition and yet deeply traditional.An amazing, amazing performance!
This is probably one of the most humble venues for music - small, simple - barely enough room for an audience. However, it immediately took us back to the 60s when this was the place where jazz was revived and saved from extinction. The musicians were amazing and the musical session was absolutely memorable. Some will say it is too short - but the seating is not comfortable so 50 minutes was just perfect. Highly recommend getting online advanced seating (even if it just guarantees a see on of the benches in the first two rows). It will save you time from standing in line and a perfect view of the band members and absorbing the great sounds. The reserved seating is $15 - 20 more, but worth it. Every musician should experience the Preservation Hall at least once in a lift time!