boll weevil monument
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The story of the Boll Weevil Monument is worth seeing. You will have to do your research. I had to run out into the middle of the road to take a picture at the monument. We heard about it from a pastor in Baton Rouge. Shared with us a great sermon illustration in the story of the town. Worth seeing. After this you have to walk downtown and visit The Olive Fruit.
Dr. George Washington Carver is the person that changed their lives by educating them about the peanut and not a word of mention of him get real. People have also ran their cars into this eyesore bouncing off of it and hitting parked cars and knocking down the pretty light post.
I wouldn't travel much out of my way to see the Boll Weevil monument. After all, it's only a statue of a bug. But, hey, it's a big bronze statue of a bug! How often do you get to see one of those? It is in the center of the street in downtown Enterprise, so it's a little hard to see up close as cars are going by, but then again Enterprise is fairly quiet, so you can drive slowly past or park and dash up to take a snapshot. While you're stopped, you can browse a few of the downtown shops.
When have you visited a Monument that is literally in the middle of a Roadway? How about in the middle of an intersection, but without a place to be out of the traffic?Well after you've been here you can click off both of those items.It's an incredibly over-sized rendition of a Boll Weevil and a Large plaque that describe why they've immortalized it. If you spend more than 15 minutes on it - you're overdoing it.But I thoroughly enjoyed seeing it.
In the middle of this cute little town. If you dont know why that bug is important you need to ask someone, im glad to see it on top of the monument. Dont blink or you'll miss it.
Where can you see a monument to a pest but downtown Enterprise, Alabama?? Lots of history around this monumnet and worth stepping into traffic for a photo!
Perched in the middle of a fountain with a small wrought iron fence sits the Boll weevil monument. The ivory woman holds a large black boll weevil high above her head displaying it to the passing cars that whiz past her spot in the middle of the intersection. Although an interesting piece of history, it's nothing to write home about. If your in the area and are driving through downtown, it's worth a peek, but otherwise the pictures found on the web are more than enough do it justice. It is pretty cute how they dress it up for holidays.
Nothing against the statue, but it's a small circle in the center of the road, with a relatively small statue. I thought it was cute, and if you're gonna be living in the area, it's worth the drive to see it -but it's not really a "photo op" type monument. Again, it's cute, and I don't want to degrade the attraction by giving it a low rating, but it is what it is.
Well its interesting, nothing wrong with it, its just in a odd location. Don't go out of your way to see it, but if you passing through look at it. It's kinda in a dangerous place, there is no way to look close at it without risking getting run over by a car! The statue is actually smaller than a football held up in the air by another statue.
I always wanted to see this. Maybe I built it up too much. I was disappointed at its size. Just laughed when I finally saw it.
We went a little out of our way to go past this statue because my boys learned about it in their Agriculture Class (even though we live in Florida). It is in the middle of a busy downtown street, so we didn't stop. It is an interesting part of our history.
A little smaller 'bug' than I had anticipated...nice monument, kinda hard to get a pic cause its in the middle of main st.
Interesting monument. Nothing to see really. I wouldn't make a special trip, but since my husband's family lives in Enterprise we took the kids to see it. My daughter was able to answer a question in school that her teacher asked about where the monument was located. She was the only one in her class that knew about it, so that made it worth it.
I think this monument is a beautiful piece of history. It's a reminder of a horrible event in agriculture history that destroyed the mainstay crop, cotton, but led the way to the development of a bigger crop, peanuts. Why not a statue to a bug? It's original and part of the local heritage. It's in the middle of the intersection and maybe it is somewhat of a traffic hazard but we have a road in Texas with a grave smack dab in the middle.
This monument is only about 15 feet tall and sits very unflatteringly in the middle of a 4-way intersection. It is more of a hazard to vehicle safety than anything else as drivers actually have to divert around it as they traverse through. The question at hand is, "is it worth the trip?' Well, I suppose that if you're already within a half mile, then you can drive up and give it the 'once-over' while you wait at the traffic light. Still, I occasionally see people doing the gai-jin, dorky tourist routine taking pictures of and with it. I hope they didn't go out of their way for this.PS: If the good folks of Coffee County want to show some appreciation for their prosperity, they should seriously consider a statue of a soldier for, without neighboring Ft. Rucker, this place would look as dried up and hopeless as Geneva does, just a few miles down the highway.