oak grove cemetery
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fall river景点推荐
I grew up very close to Oak Grove Cemetery and spent many hours there. I can recall being in grammar school and having a field trip complete with a picnic there. Anyhow if you plan to go see the Borden grave set aside some extra time. This place is fascinating. If you can plan to come on a hot summer morning. Say August?
This is a gorgeous cemetery - but there are no maps to be found. We spent hours looking for a family grave.
We visited this cemetery to see the infamous Bordon Graves. There are white arrows on the ground to direct tourists to the site. We had never seen a cemetery like this one. There was a lot of unique grave stones, family plots. It is truly beautifully laid out and designed. Take some time to appreciate some of the architecture. Some is more that two centuries old.
With my nephew as guide, we explored this very old and very big cemetery. One of the highlights was the fact that it holds Lizzie Borden's grave (as well as the entire Borden family, from the looks of it), and part way up one hill was a grave marker like I'd never seen. It was made of rose quartz, but not a cut and finished stone - it was as if someone dug it out of the ground, attached a plaque with the family name on it, and placed it as the gravestone just as is, in its natural state. We didn't have time to explore more of the place, but from what I saw, it was very interesting.
Visited here along the way back from the lizzie Borden house, the Borden family was easy to find, it's a very beautifully kept cemetery.
Saw where the Bordens are buried - saw some beautiful crypts, headstones, etc. took plenty of pictures and it is neat looking at history
Shot some foliage photos here today ... Beautiful stones and history too.... The Borden family is buried here... Follow the white arrows from the main gate... I thought it was nice here...
Stopped to see the Borden graves which are very easy to find since they have arrows pointing to them. The place is really pretty. I wish we had time to walk around more and took at the old headstones.
I came to this cemetery before going to the Borden's house. The entire place is gorgeous. It's peaceful, calm, well-maintained, and very large. If you are going strictly for the Borden's graves, there are white arrows on the pavement that will lead you in the direction right to them. While we were there, one of the people who works there asked us if we were doing OK finding who we were looking for. The gates close at 3PM thought which is a bit of a downer. I can see closing at dusk, but why 3PM ? We went to this BEFORE taking the tour specifically because we didn't want to risk not getting in. I recommend taking a stroll around, especially if you are there for the Bordens!
I have loved this cemetery from the time I was a young girl and walked through it almost everyday. Of course , the Borden grave is the big attraction but the cemetery itself is interesting and beautiful. If you come to Fall River, don't miss it. If you can come in the Fall when the leaves are turning color, that is the best time to come. Breathtaking.
Lots of history here many famous and not so famous buried hereMany of my family are here so we bought a plot also
There are actually arrows on the pavement, directing visitors to the grave sites of Lizzie bordem, emma and their poor slain parents. The cemetery is also beautiful in itself.
I often walk the roads of Oak Grove Cemetery for exercise and, like any outdoor site, the view changes dramatically as the seasons change. There are in fact many oaks here but there are also maple, beech, dogwoods, etc... so that the autumn foliage is beautiful. There is one large tulip poplar that is spectacular in the spring. Beside the paved roads, there are many old grass carriage paths so you can kind of get a feel for how it may have looked years back. Most of Fall River's movers and shakers of the Industrial Age are buried here, some with quite elaborate monuments. If you are searching for your Catholic ancestors, look elsewhere as most of the folks here were Protestant of one denomination or another. A nice place to walk, collect your thoughts and ponder your own eventual demise!
The cemetery is huge and very interesting to walk around and view all of the headstones. The infamous Borden family is buried there and it's nice that the cemetery has arrows painted on the walk so that you can find the Borden family's gravestones easily. Some of the headstones are very ornate and beautiful to look at. Worth the trip if you're into history.
A decent place to visit to see old Fall River history from the prospective of the people who lived there for 200+ years.Parking available and easy to find.