capilla domestica compania de jesus
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

The site was occupied by the Jesuits during the colonial period and it stands out in the area of the novitiate, currently the residence of the order. This novitiate formed the young missionaries of the order. Separated from the area of the maximum school, the whole of the novitiate was built between the 17th and 18th centuries. It excels the domestic Chapel, private order worship space.It is a chapel of the single nave, built with stone walls and indoor wood technique of construction of the walls only to be seen from one of its` facades sides, since the Interior of the chapel they are revoked and whitewashed.The ceiling, to the outside, manifests itself as a gable roof finished with successive layers of tiles and the interior feels like a continuous barrel vault. This wooden roof structure consists of curved beams made of small pieces joined together by pins of the same material without metal nails.The ceiling of the inner dome is made up of a lattice work of rods attached to the main structure with tientos of leather which then is applied lime and plaster to prepare the surface and then be decorated.Access to it is through a large stone doorway Toad, which stands out design diamond tips flanking the door and leaves with excellent work of carved wood. Within this unitary space, the magnificent dome and the altar piece, accompanied by white walls that enhance them can be seen as focal points.Originally this chapel was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, central motif of decoration.Dome is presented with an outline of strips separated by strong Golden wood mouldings. These slats are decorated with paintings of reasons very stylized phytomorphic in shades of red, blue, and gold, in the manner of grotesques and include plates with the Marian litanies.In the center of the dome stands a picture of the Virgin of mercy protecting novices.The altar piece, also made of wood, gilded and polychrome from the Paraguay missions is one of the best exponents of the American Baroque in Argentina.It is organized through spiral columns and strong entablamientos and cornices that define niches where religious images are located. The decoration is completed with scrolls, leaves and figures fitiformas.This place is a MUST if you visit the capital city of Cordoba and I welcome your visit!
Está ubicada adosada a la iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús (de hecho era una capilla anexa) pero actualmente se accede por la calle Caseros. Joya de la arquitectura colonial, vale la pena su visita
Ejemplo impactante del arte barroco colonial americano. Hay que dirigirse a la portería de la Residencia de los jesuitas e ingresar por la portería.
Sua arquitetura chama a atenção de quem passa pela rua. Imponente, ela marca a sua presença dentre outras igrejas de Córdoba.
Forma parte de la Manzana Jesuitica, que desde el año 2000 es patrimonio cultural de la Humanidad. Es pequeña e invita al recogimiento y serenidad. Es una hermosa pieza de la época colonial.
REcomiendo verla mediante una visita guiada, son muy completas y nos ayudan a valorar y ver algo tan antiguo, ademas de entender cosas que sino se pasan por alto al visitante novato. Hacerlo fuera del período estival de nov. a marzo.
Local centenário de beleza única e marcante, preservado com as características originais, mais um espaço que instiga a reflexão e ao contemplamento.
un lugar sobrecogedor, paredes de la época, de piedra, transmite los sentimientos de sus fundadores, me emocioné muchísimo. imperdible
Maravillosa arquitectura, excelente estado de conservación, su interior es impactante. Detalles ornamentales únicos. Bellas imágenes. Imperdible.
Esta dentro de la manzana jesuítica . era el lugar mas recoleto en la época calculo del 1600 en adelante. Es parte de la Compañía de Jesús y es preciosa
Bem escondidinha , um tesouro intocável que se mantém original desde o secXV é de arrepiar os vitrais e pinturas . Pertence aos padres jesuitas que ainda vivem na clausura do convento.Imperdivel !!
es un lugar especial, para el recogimiento y para encontrar la paz en medio del bullicio de la ciudad.
Uma arquitectuta fantástica, uma decoración barroca, cientos de figuras dentros de la iglesia, y la Virgen de la Dulce Espera, hacen de esta iglesia um patrimônio histórico imperdible.Es fabulosa, linda. EXCELENTE PASEO, NO PIERDA LA OPORTUNIDAD DE CONOCERLA.
Es muy antigua, aquí hice mi Primera Comunión. Creo que lo más encantador son los materiales con los que está construida, hasta cierto punto da mucha sensación de artesanal, y por otro lado la enormidad de sus naves te hace sentir pequeño. Muchas veces hay coros cantando o ensayando incluso, cuando voy bajando por Obispo trejo, la calle donde está ubicada, presto atención si escucho algo para entrar y tener un momento de meditación y encanto con la música.
Arquitetura fantástica dessa Igreja. Fica bem no centro, de facil acesso e realmente linda! vale a pena conhecer!