the white arbor
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Bila Biexiedka one of the most amazing architects I've seen, although it lacks colours, it still is one of the most roman, Greek type of monuments that represents Poltava, here on you can also use the observatory to see the other side of Poltava. Because Poltava is a small city, you can't really see the skyscrapers like in China or NYC. At any case, history is what I came for! Love the people, and the girl there)) Visited Oct 2013)
Pleasant stroll if the weather is warm, good views over old Poltava, this is the highest elevation in the area.
Not much to say about this except there is an excellent view of Poltava and the surrounding country side. I believe its where Alexandra the greats horse lost one of its shoes, I am not surprised if it was trying to descend the steep sided hill Worth a look on a clear day.
The Arbor is a nice monument, reminding same structure in Odessa. It is overlooking the district called Podol and offers some nice feeling of open space and freshness. There is construction site nearby so it is not completely comfortable, but still beautiful.
Perfect place to make a picture of Poltava. I was with my girlfriend and she was more than happy.In the afternoon the white arbor looks better thanks to colored lamps
this is what you HAVE TO visit in Poltava. Just a beautiful place ... mmm... sacral for all local inhabitants, a church and a museum of Kotliarevski (highly recommended to visit) and a central street... :)
At the end of the downtown pedestrian street. Most popular stroll in town for all ages. You will see all the locals enjoying the site. many brides pose here for pictures on weekends.
Don’t expect too much from this sight. The White Arbour is just a simple semi-circular colonnade of eight pillars crowned by a non-sophisticated attic. It bears Ivan Kotlyarevskiy’s [brilliant Ukrainian writer and dramatist of XVIII-XIX, born in Poltava] words from Natalka-Poltavka play: “Once there is an agreement in the family and peace and calmness, that’s where people are happy and that land is blessed”.Yet this simple landmark and the city symbol is a must-see in Poltava and one of the most visited city spots. My friends from Poltava used to say that the one who’ve been to Poltava but haven’t seen the White Arbour, haven’t seen Poltava at all. This was why we started to explore the city from there. After the Battle of Poltava, Peter I the Great met with the local craftsmen near this place, and a farrier had then impressed the emperor by shoeing his horse in a masterly fashion. This is why the Arbour seems to have received a horseshoe shape when designed years later.The Arbour was initially meant to commemorate the 200th anniversary of The Battle of Poltava, and was established on the earth ramparts of the former Poltava Fortress, presently known as Ivan Mountain. Its favourable location played a low-down trick to the Arbour during the WWII. The Germans, who seized Poltava, razed the Arbour to the ground to give place to their artillery observation site. In 1954, the Arbour was restored. But due to the Soviet ideological considerations this time it was dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Pereyaslav Treaty between Russia and Ukraine. Therefore it was officially named People’s Friendship Rotunda. However, among locals it has always been known as the White Arbour. It is only a relatively important historic memorial, but foremost a very scenic entity standing on the popular observation site. As we have been approaching it from the Assumption Cathedral, I felt like there was an open sea right behind the edge of the hill that we are going to see now. Some distant Mediterranean motives in the shape of this rotunda only strengthened this anticipation. It offers lovely panoramic view over Poltava surroundings (Podil and Levada) and the Vorskla River. Although for my likings, the landscape but for the fascinating view of The Holy Cross Exaltation Monastery on the opposite hill, is scenic but not breath-taking. A horseshoe is a symbol of good luck in Ukraine. Come stand inside the White Arbour, for luck.
Такое место есть не в каждом городе, отличная смотровая площадка, вся Полтава как на ладони! Красиво!
Я живу в Полтаве и гуляла к Белой беседке уже миллион раз. Но это место никогда не надоедает. Здесь становится очень спокойно, открывается прекрасный вид на город.
Очень красивый вид на город и окрестности. Чисто, аккуратно, продают сувениры. Красивая природа. Старинные деревья сирени. Весной всё в цвету.
Место прекрасное, вид на Подол, микрорайон Левада и монастырь 17 века, действующий, рядом Собор и музей автора Енеиды.
Очень хорошое место для прогулки на велике! И если собираетесь подышать реально чистым воздухом,то это просто идеальное место(в субботу тут часто гуляют после свадьбы!)
Приехать в Полтаву и не побывать в Белой беседке - это совершенно неправильно! Прогулка к ней приятна, вид с неё открывается замечательный. Плюс рядом - очень хороший ресторан.
Не открою секрет если скажу, что в пределах старой полтавской крепости на месте Подольского бастиона к 200-летнему юбилею Полтавской битвы в 1909 году было возведено сооружение, без которого нынешние полтавчане не представляют свой город — Белая Беседка. Неслучайной является и форма Беседки — подковообразная. Согласно легенде, местный кузнец на этой площади мастерски подковал царского коня, который потерял подкову во время Полтавского боя. Именно эта легенда обусловила внешний вид сооружения — подкова изогнута своими краями к Успенскому Собору, размещена на колоннах дорического ордера. Надпись золотыми буквами на внутренней стороне Беседки: де злагода в сімействі, де мир і тишина, щасливі там люди, блаженна сторона. А с самой Беседки открывается прекрасный панорамный вид на город!!!