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开放时间: 暂无

因为很喜欢莫札特!所以探访了这个城市!寻找他曾经留下的遗迹!这里参访的景点都很集中,相当节省时间,一定要买salzburg city card (建议买2days pass) 很多景点都不用钱!而且很集中!买的时候记得跟他要salzbug city card的册子,才知道哪里是免费的!两天可以逛完所有有名的景点!如果想完一些小景点再买3days pass!坐公车也不用钱!我待了这么多天,只有第一个公车司机跟我要钱!可恶被骗!顺便一提从这里搭OBB可以到慕尼黑也很方便!
我们买了Salzburg 卡,因为开车,本来想去P+R 买卡,但是10点才开,就到火车站买,买完后坐公车去去坐cable car,到山顶很冷,不过风景很漂亮,可以看到要塞,还可以打雪仗.接着我们去米拉贝尔,跟着导览员走,还蛮漂亮的地方, 只是到处被喷水. 逛完后就往要塞走,要塞很漂亮,但我们没进去,只坐缆车上去,看整个是市区,坐在上面的咖啡厅喝咖啡,其实也是另一种享受.最后逛市区皇宫及街道都很漂亮,并且去搭游船,游船是一个女驾驶,最后还跟着华尔滋舞曲,来个360度转圈,很好玩
今年春节去了奥地利的萨尔茨堡.白雪皑皑下的高堡,宁静蜿蜒的萨尔茨河, 安详悠然的河中天鹅, 热闹繁华的粮食大街, 亲切景仰的莫扎特故居...... 一切的一切还在记忆里,如此鲜活, 如此怀念. 我想,夏天的萨尔茨堡一定有另外的景致. 我会再回到那个魂牵梦绕的地方, 再回到那家特色的家庭旅馆. 和爱的人, 迷失在梦幻中,不要醒来...
去萨尔茨堡只呆了短短一天 阿尔卑斯山上冰雪融化流下的水形成一条宽阔的河流穿过这座古城 这里有许多古堡 它们都静静地伫立在两岸 远处碧绿的青山将它们映得更加美丽动人……【莫扎特故居】天才音乐家莫扎特也出生在萨尔茨堡 在粮食胡同紧挨着的房屋中有一栋黄色的房子 那其上四楼便是莫扎特的父亲当年租住的房屋 据里面一位来自台湾的介绍者介绍 现在已由一日本人买下成为私人博物馆 请来自美国的设计师以莫扎特一生为灵感设计 走进去参观感觉每个房间都很奇怪 经由讲解员讲解后才能理解 每处设计都花了心思却让人觉得晦涩难懂 如果带走一些纪念品的话 当然是有名的莫扎特球巧克力 推荐一定要买绿色的!!!好吃 红色的是杏仁味 很冲很难吃的味道~~另外萨尔茨堡城堡 很遗憾我没去成 不过在下面看到也觉得很宏伟壮观了 在萨尔茨堡城堡下的街区可以看到马车行走 仿佛真的回到上世纪初 另外还有米拉贝尔宫也值得去看看~总之在这里环境舒适安静 市民也友好热情 如果下次有机会一定还想再去看看多住几天细细品位~
全城最高的山岗上屹立着坚不可摧的巨大堡垒 令人震撼 隔河相望的 便是有着皇家园林特点的皇后行宫 一刚一柔 值得寻味
Very worth the visit and a afternoon walk around to explore the squares, small streets, beautiful buildings and great churches. Park in one of underground parking lots and just start walking. It's hard to get lost and there is tons to see.
Stayed in Salzburg with family for a few days in August, the place is totally brilliant. We went on the sound of music tour which was a great way to view Austria as seen in the movie. Food in Salzburg is very nice and the drinks are good too. The old town is great to wonder through and site see, Austrian people on a whole are really nice and have pride in their country which I appreciate in any place I visit. We will return here perhaps without the children and nearer Christmas to experience the Christmas markets. Austria and Salzburg are A must place to visit.
We went on a rainy day in summer but it was gorgeous. Took a day trip but would recommend u spend a night or two there if possible to take in the gorgeous landscape and scenic views. Old town is so scenic, with quintessential Baroque city.Tips:Be sure to carry an umbrella. Try the mozart chocolates
Nice place to roam around. City is too good and clean. Weather is perfect when I visited in January 2015. Bright sunlight and perfect cold weather. Had been lucky enough in the entire trip. The city tour of this old town makes you feel the richness of the lives of Die hard fans of Austria. Beautiful and serene lifestyle.
The scienic sight of Salzburg is so beautiful and fascinating. As the bus cruise thru the side of the lake you could see the mountains and the lake with all the houses just beside it..wow it's such a memorable scene.The salt mine was so thrilling for us.. we get to tour the mine and see how the sea salt was been produced.. the best part of it was when we descended from the top there is "chair lift" that transport us down...Beautiful, quiet and charming scene