galerie wagner
5A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无
New items from new artisans make yearly visits to shop at Gallery Wagner a real treat. Frau Wagner lets visitors shop and handle items without interference, but is ready to answer any questions knowledgeably. There is a huge inventory year round, but it is especially delightful at Christmas. Most items are German from the Erzebirge mountain area and all are authentically European.
Galerie Wagner is a store where traditional German folk art may be purchased with the knowledge that every piece is authentic. Wilfriede Wagner is a charming storyteller who travels to many villages to speak with the artists who create new and traditional items. I bought a smoker in the form of a pumpkin. When I complained that it is difficult to get the candles for my Christmas pyramid to stand straight, she recommended switching holders to use tea lights instead. She cautioned me to purchase tea lights meant for food warmers, not for lighting. There was no pressure to make a purchase. One may wander and just enjoy the art, everything from nutcrackers to creches, to pewter scenes. Most credit cards are accepted.