palmanova, citta stellare
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The citadel was constructed at the end of the 16th century to protect the border of the Venetian Republic from incursions by Ottoman troops. It remains fully intact. Its three gates constructed between 1596 and 1608 remain the only accesses to the town. The Udine gate preserves the wooden wheels that were used for raising the drawbridge across the moat.There are 3 clearly marked routes that lead you around the citadel’s walls. A sign outside the Cividale Gate shows a map of the three routes and the structures along the route. The shortest route just takes you on a walk along the bulwarks of the star-shaped citadel. The longest route leads you by lunettes and casemates that were constructed by the Venetians in the 17th century and by the French at the beginning of the 19th century. Many of these structures have a sign stating what their purpose was. There is also an intermediate route. The town, certainly, is worth a visit for its citadel.
This medieval town - built from 1593 to 1682 (and later added on to by Napoleon) needs to be visited by anyone interested in urban design. A grand design, very much a top-down design philosophy actually implemented. And - on an emotional level - contrasted with the human scale and beauty of surrounding cities and towns - like Udine, Pardenone, etc. Not a place for "humans" - only for soldiers. Civil servants...A unique experience - and a "must see".
It was fear of a Turkish invasion that led to the birth of one of the most significant examples of Renaissance concept of city ideal. They constructed an impregnable city fortress,quite unlike any that had been built before. A nine-pointed star emerging from a circle of fortifications around 7 km long,surrounded by a moat and a second row of bastions. The number three recurs in multiples frequently in the elements of the city's construction-the 9-point of the star, three circles of walls and three access gates. Of the eight radial streets,six major roads converge in the hexagonal central square,at the centre of which is a six-sided base of stone,from which a tall flagpole. Grab a hot air balloon- ride to make sense of this geometry.
Palmanova is one very nice little town. We were in the Christmas season and is mesmerized. Beautifully decorated with prominent famous square. According to the city's streets were heard Christmas songs from the speakers and everything was somehow cozy. A magical city that certainly recommend to visit. And have a small, but very well-stocked tasting room - trade with beer. And also was a free parking.
I often come with my wife in Palmanova for shopping and never dedicated enough attention to history and city walls with which it is surrounded. Beautiful sunny afternoon and enough available time, company of my loved women, it was enough for a decision on the walks and sightseeing walls Palmanova.I can only say that I missed a lot of what I did not do that long time ago:=).
Although not worth a 2 hour detour, Palmanova is an interesting town by reason of its hexagonal main square, adorned with beautiful houses, good cafes/trattorias and an impressive church. Allied to this are the battlements which hem in the town forming a 9 pointed star, and ensuring that you enter the town through a town gate, over an impressive dyke and between the defensive ramparts. It has a relaxed atmosphere, is not over-touristed but offers a pleasant respite for an hour or two for lunch or a decent gelato.
Una splendida giornata di sole, un paio d'ore di passeggiata e un posto prezioso per la cura con cui conserva i propri tesori, una passeggiata da consigliare a tutti nel centro e intorno alle splendide mura che il verde della primavera ormai alle porte renderà ancora più suggestive. I resti storici testimoni della presenza militare sul territorio si armonizzano bene nelle architetture cittadine: da consigliare e magari da accompagnare ad uno degli ottimi gelati che abbiamo assaggiato!
Esta cidade é um exemplo vivo dos traçados urbanísticos renascentistas. Estando na cidade, percebe-se a simetria, o uso regulado e meticuloso do espaço, muito interessante para projetistas e para pessoas em geral, interessadas na qualidade de vida das cidades. A praça é um grande espaço público com seus cafés e muitas crianças brincando no playground. Muito bonita!!
Город Пальманова заслуженно известен своей необычайной формой. И главная площадь, и валы вокруг города имеют форму многогранной звезды. Конечно, в Италии много интересных городов, более интересных, чем Пальманова. Но таких, с такой планировкой больше нет. В городе много примечательных небольших зданий типично итальянской архитектуры. Он стоит того, чтобы по нему побродить пару часов. Чем еще удивил город. В январе, когда мы в нем были, жители, а также туристы, практически не наблюдались. Лишь изредка кто-то пройдет. или подъедет машина и из неё кто-то выйдет.
Ci sono cresciuto a Palme, nel fossato ci facevo e gare di pesca, bellissima la piazza centrale, quando guidavo l'aereo ci passavo sopra ed era favolosa. Si festeggia un bellissimo carnevale spostato a dopo le ceneri come a Milano. Visitatela
Ho visitato questa cittadina dalla caratteristica pianta a stella attorno ad una vasta piazza centrale, accedendovi attraverso una delle tre porte (quella di via Aquileia). Sono rimasto impressionato dai bastioni possenti, percorribili a piedi e dall'ampio fossato. Peccato che molti edifici siano lasciati in degrado.
Le mura che circondano la città sono imponenti ... Il fossato è percorribile a piedi o in bici... largo, ben tenuto... Ho avuto la fortuna di visitarla con un amico del posto che ci ha dato le dritte sulla storia delle strategie di battaglia ai tempi dell'assedio...
Se non ci siete mai stati, programmate una sosta a Palmanova! Vi basteranno poche ore per visitarla. Se venite di lunedì troverete anche un animato mercato.
Si entra attraverso 3 porte, e si raggiunge la piazza enorme posta al centro del paese...Ovvio che la vista migliore è quella dal cielo, ma già girandola anche a piedi, si posson gustre le bellezze di questo paese.
Bellissima città-museo, il tempo sembra essersi fermato. Vale la pena prendersi il tempo di fare anche il giro esterno a piedi sugli antichi bastioni in terra, circa un'ora. Una piccola perla