koruldi lakes
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

The Koruldi lake trek starts at Mestia, and takes you to the cross on the ridge-top above town, through a sub-alpine plateau and to the three small lakes at the feet of Mount Ushba peak.While the ascent to the cross is strenuous and barely rewarding in terms of scenery, once you reach the ridge-top you find yourself surrounded by a spectacular view of snow-capped mountain ridges and green valley.From there, the slope becomes slightly steadier. While up until now there were markers on the trees, from here navigation is done by locating and heading toward poles places in strategic locations. On the way you can expect small summer farmhouses used by the local farmers, and patches of snow. In May, the snow was 60 cm deep at most where we crossed, and we did not need any special equipment beyond our waterproof trekking boots.The overall length of the trek ranges up to 16 KM, with a 1400 meters vertical difference between lowest and highest point. Well worth the effort.Final tip: there are two ways to reach the cross, a 4 KM one and a 2 KM one. We ascended via the short one, and it was a very tough climb, almost making us turn around (and how lucky we are that we didn't!). We recommended taking the longer way up and down. If you can somehow hitch a ride up to the cross it's even better.
A túra útvonala szép, és gyönyörű hegyek között vezet. Kicsit zavaró, hogy a túraútvonalat dzsipek is használják, akik nem túl gyakran, de időnként feltűnnek. A tó vize nem kristálytiszta mivel marhák fürdenek benne.