l'ile aux papillons
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Visiting this attraction is a nice (but quite pricey) way to spend 45-60 minutes if you or the kids like butterflies. This is actually a small warehouse in the centre of an industrial estate, landscaped with exotic plants, a fish pond and hundreds of butterflies. I couldn't help thinking that if this had been a butterfly house at a zoo, we would have popped in for 2 minutes and then gone to see something more interesting. We didn't find much else of interest on Noirmoutier - unless you love butterflies I recommend to drive across the causeway at low tide and then head straight back to the mainland!
A nice way to spend a couple of hours, loads of different butterflies and if you're lucky one might land on you.
I would like to properly rate this attraction but unfortunately, as has been our experience with other attractions during our recent France trip, the hours of operation are rather flexible...for the employees. We looked for the Ile Aux Papillons for quite a while as it is not easily located in the back of some industrial area. And the signage is confusing to say the least. Due to our challenging search we arrived at 6.45 pm, happy that the place was open until 7.30 pm as we learned from several locals as well as the Internet. Having visited several other butterfly conservatories we figured that 45 minutes would suffice for a visit. The first thing we spotted was a huge "FERME" sign which, even with my limited French, I knew means closed. No explanation for the early closure was posted so we went on our (less) merry way. Disappointing!
Accidentally stumbled upon this. Lovely, amusing, educational, captivating for kids. Nice hour spent. However, a bit pricey?????
We followed the signs on our way off the island and at one point almost gave up on finding the butterfly farm (we have plenty of experience of French signs suddenly deciding to no longer show the way to continue). However, we eventually found it in the middle of some random industrial site so duly parked up. On seeing the price we balked somewhat, but decided that we'd treat ourselves to tickets at €8 each after all. The lady in the shop was friendly and helpful despite her total lack of English and my pitiful grasp of French. There was some confusion initially about how to use my credit card, but she remained steadfastly cheerful, and with the help of a French family who had just arrived, we managed to pay. Inside the heat and humidity, necessary for the butterflies, hit you immediately, but you soon got used to it once the beauty of the butterflies sunk in. There were many large and colourful species flying around, all very accessible as the enclosure was quite small. There were a couple of feeding stations loaded with fruit where you could watch them closely, but many of them are happy to land on you and allow you to get close up whilst feeding on the many beautiful flowers.There are some Chinese Quail wandering about freely, web-eating birds to keep the butterflies safe, and some lovely carp to feed. You can view the "hatcheries" where the cocoons are kept, and even watch the fully formed butterflies emerge. There are some incredible moths that sleep during the day just opposite the entrance. I spent about an hour and a half here, but only because I went round twice in order to get lots of photos. Kids will find it fascinating (and the English translations for everything will be helpful for visitors), ideal for wildlife lovers, and good opportunities for photographers.
It's not the cheapest trip at about €8 per person, but it is the best Butterfly park I've been to (this is the 4th). There are good educational signs around the paths in French and English. There are many butterflies as expected, plus some very cute quail birds on the floor to catch spiders (and amuse the adults). There is also a pond with carp in it.You should allow about an hour in with the butterflies.
Went there on August 21st with my wife & 3 children. I had this vision in my head that because we were going to see butterflies that I was going to be in a lovely meadow. Instead you end up in a small industrial estate in an warehouse type building. (That was the strange bit).Once you are in the section where the butter flies are you come to the wonderful bit. You forget that you are in an warehouse. There is a path winding its way around the warehouse and there is lush tropical vegetation everywhere. There are butterflies fluttering in all area. There are descriptions in French with English translation (which are very educational and great to read to the kids). It is obvious that there is a lot of care an attention goes into the place and it must be expensive to operate. We spent an hour there. For the 5 of us it was about €28(ish). I felt it was good (if you are in the frame of mind for it) and the kids of course were delighted. Much better & cheaper in my mind than the Aquarium "Sealand" (I did a review on that as well if you want to have a look).
Good enough fun for the kids, but the place is over-priced, on an industrial estate, and is run by proper cheapskates who will take your money but won't let use their bathroom (unless you're French), then insult your children's behaviour as justification. I wouldn't recommend.
Its good for a day out, we made the mistake of trying to walk but ended up sweating through an industrial estate to get there. The chinese quail hopping about and the large blue butterflys are fabulous. Kept our large part occupied for about an hour.
This is a kind of butterfly safari and botanic garden rolled into one. There are thousands of beautiful & huge butterflies flying about freely all around you as you walk through the garden.The kids (9,7&4) really enjoyed it - lots of wow moments. A butterfly landed on one of the boys' arms and he was in heaven watching it for the next 5 mins.It's quite small - you probably couldn't spend more than 1.5/2hrs here, but the small size keeps the butterflies close, so it works well overall. It's expensive for that, but worth it.Wheelchair accessibility was good in the butterfly enclosure, we had no trouble getting around. Be aware that the toilet in that area is not wheelchair usable though (there was another toilet area outside, but we didn't see it).
Absolutely fantastic day out, Kept to 17 year old boys enthralled. Look out for the little ducks that are running around inside. See you in 4 weeks
Promenade avec mon reflex pour faire une multitude de photo.ce fut magique les papillon se posent sur nous.
Ce n'est pas vraiment une ile mais un hangar ! Pas tres grand mais une bonne variete de plantes a l'interieur ,agreable de voir les papillons voles ! Des explications ecrites sur la vie des papillons . Taux d'humidite important normal mais on y reste pas des heures .bon accueil . Le magasin pourrait etre mieux ! Pour passer un petit moment c'est bien ! Le prix est eleve quand meme !
La serre est paradisiaque! Pleins de papillons à découvrir. Ils viennent se poser sur nous à l'occasion, possibilité de les voir éclore si on arrive au bon moment.La vidéo de 15 min est très intéressante. Une visite pleine de découverte et de surprises!
Cette serre aux papillons est magnifique.Pleins d'espèces a découvrir, ainsi que des plantes. Nous avons rapportés une centaine de photos de papillons! A découvrir vite!